September 10, 2024

Unlock the Power of GUIs: Discover the Benefits of ScreenBuilder Pro

SreenBuilder Pro - GUI for HMI design

In the modern world of information technology, user experience is at the heart of software and application success. Graphical User Interfaces, or GUIs, play a crucial role in making interactions with computer systems more intuitive and accessible. Whether for consumer software or industrial applications, a well-designed GUI can transform how users interact with technology. 

ScreenBuilder Pro, our custom screen creation tool, embodies these benefits by offering a powerful and flexible platform for designing Human-Machine Interface (HMI) visuals. In this article, we will explore the multiple advantages of GUIs, discuss their benefits, and showcase how ScreenBuilder Pro can revolutionize control interface development for embedded solutions. Discover how our innovative solution can enhance productivity, reduce errors, and deliver an exceptional user experience through automatic XML file generation, making the interface creation process more visual and accessible than ever.

What is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) ?

A graphical user interface, or GUI, is a user interface that allows interaction with a device through graphical elements such as icons, buttons, drop-down menus, and windows. Unlike command-line interfaces, where users must type text commands, GUIs make using computer systems more intuitive and accessible through their visual and interactive nature.

Role and Importance of a Visual User Interface

Intuitive interfaces are ubiquitous in our daily lives. They are used in a wide range of applications, from operating systems like Windows and macOS to mobile and web applications, enabling users to :

• Navigate software easily.
• Perform complex tasks without needing to know specific commands.
• Improve productivity through faster and more intuitive interaction.
• Reduce errors with clear visual cues.

Why Choose a Visual Interface ?

Ease of Use

GUIs are designed to be user-friendly. Users can click buttons, select options from drop-down menus, and drag-and-drop elements, making interaction with the software simple and intuitive.

Accessibility, Learning and Adoption

An intuitive interface can be used by individuals with varying levels of technical skill, making it accessible to a broad audience. Furthermore, new users can learn to use software more quickly with visual interfaces that are often self-explanatory.

Productivity and Ergonomics

Graphical interfaces allow tasks to be completed more quickly than with a command-line interface. Users can see all available options and navigate them easily. GUIs are often designed to reduce visual and physical strain by making interactive elements clear and well-organized.


Introducing ScreenBuilder Pro

PRAN is proud to present ScreenBuilder Pro, an innovative solution for creating custom screens. By integrating the strengths of a powerful GUI, the application offers an enhanced user experience and increased productivity in graphical design for Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs). The software automatically generates the XML file for your screen, allowing you to visually design control interfaces and dashboards without manually writing code. It is designed to meet the needs of developers and designers by providing a powerful and flexible platform for development. ScreenBuilder Pro is ideal for various use cases, whether for industrial applications or embedded solutions, simplifying the process of creating user interfaces across many domains.

Key Features of ScreenBuilder Pro


A "What You See Is What You Get" editor that allows you to see in real-time what the final interface will look like.

Component Library

A library of pre-built widgets and components to speed up the design process.

XML File Generation

Automatically created the XML file for your screen, allowing you to design user interfaces visually without needing to manually code in XML.


Advantages of ScreenBuilder Pro

Creating the visual design of your Human-Machine Interface (HMI) directly in XML can quickly become a tedious and time-consuming task. XML, while powerful, requires a deep understanding of code and meticulous attention to detail. Each visual element and interaction must be manually coded, leaving room for errors and making the process laborious, especially for developers who are not XML experts.

In contrast, with ScreenBuilder Pro, everything becomes more intuitive. Our tool allows you to design your screens visually without touching a single line of code. You see the results of your modifications directly, significantly speeding up the creation process and freeing you from the burden of errors. With ScreenBuilder Pro, designing your HMI becomes not only faster but also more enjoyable, allowing you to focus on user experience rather than code.

Intuitiveness and Simplicity

ScreenBuilder Pro offers an intuitive user interface that allows you to create the visual design of HMI displays without needing advanced programming skills. Users can easily drag-and-drop elements to design attractive and functional screens.


Whether you’re working on a simple or complex project, ScreenBuilder Pro adapts to your needs. To address one of the disadvantages of GUIs, where only pre-programmed instructions can be executed, the XML file generated by ScreenBuilder Pro remains editable for those with more advanced skills who wish to go further. Thus, you can easily add a function not supported by the software directly into the generated file.

Increased Productivity

ScreenBuilder Pro’s advanced features, such as real-time preview, accelerate the development process and reduce errors.


ScreenBuilder Pro allows extensive customization of graphical elements, giving you the ability to create unique interfaces that reflect your company’s visual identity. Although ScreenBuilder Pro includes a library of images, users can also create their own library by importing graphic elements.

Support and documentation

Benefit from quality technical support and comprehensive documentation to help you make the most of ScreenBuilder Pro. Check out our user guide and product sheet for more details.

Examples of Human-Machine Interfaces created through ScreeBuilder Pro.


Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) play a crucial role in how we interact with technology. They make software more accessible, intuitive, and efficient. With ScreenBuilder Pro, we offer a powerful solution for creating custom graphical interfaces that meet the diverse needs of your business. Enjoy all the benefits of a well-designed GUI to enhance productivity, reduce training costs, and deliver a better user experience. Download ScreenBuilder Pro today and discover how it can transform the way you work.

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